• Article about Tom Drones on Windsurf Journal, 27th of January 2017, http://www.windsurfjournal.com/article,news,zois-theocharis-et-un-drone-a%C2%A0-artemida,6120
• Tom Drones was selected by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture to take aerial pictures and film for the first time the ancient port of Epidaurus. The aerial shooting that took place there was of significant historical importance because it revealed to the Ephorate of the Underwater Antiquities in Greece the existence of two ancient piers and it was the first official photography shooting of the “Sunken City” and the ancient Epidaurus port since the 1970s when Dr. Charalabos Krintzas (http://www.parnonas.gr/3594/news/to-orama-gia-tin-epidavria-gi/), Honorary Director of the National Hellenic Epigraphic Museum and Former Trustee of the Argolis Antiquities, shot the site from a hot air balloon, September 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8c_cjNmiiiE
• The video project "Windsurfing" shared on the World's No1 Windsurfing Magazine, the British "Windsurf" Magazine, 27th of January 2017: https://www.windsurf.co.uk/aerial-drone-windsurfing-video-artemida-greece/
• The video project "Windsurfing" on Germany's Windsurfing Magazine "Windsurfers.de", 27th of January 2017: http://windsurfers.de/videos/drone-windsurfing-in-artemida_v-8048.html
• Aerial Picture for the Xinhua China News Agency at the Piraeus Container Terminal in Greece, 5th of May 2017, http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-05/05/c_136260284.htm
• The yacht promo video project "Avatiu" on Denison Yacht Sales Website (Leading International Yacht Brokerage house), November 2017, https://www.denisonyachtsales.com/yacht-listings/62-Princess-V-2010-Pireaus/6417740
• The video project "Windsurfing" featured in ZoomNet’s episode on the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, a high tech TV programme on the National Spanish TV Channel RTVE, 18th of March 2017, http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/videhttp://www.rtve.es/alacarta/videos/zoom-net/zoom-net-coches-mobile-world-congress-4-years-from-now-lego-worlds/3948241/
• Live broadcast (22nd of May 2017) to more than 22 million people via the China Xinhua News Facebook, Twitter & Youtube accounts in order to show aerial footage of the “COSCO Netherlands” vessel docking in Piraeus after a significant trip along the ancient maritime “Silk Road” as part of the “One Belt One Road” Initiative (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Belt_One_Road_Initiative).
• The video project "Windsurfing" was selected as the Official Selection of the Drone Film Festival Australia & New Zealand (ANZ) and was screened across 11 major cities in Australia & New Zealand from 24 September up to 3 November 2017, https://www.facebook.com/dffanz/posts/1548979051862620 & http://www.dffanz.com/